This has been an amazing and very busy summer. VBS was a blast this year and a fun one because Joseph was able to go for the first time this year. Jeff, myself and some other volunteers helped teach the 2 and 3 year olds because Lindsay H. had to leave town for a funeral. I really enjoyed getting to assist/teach Joseph and his pals and hear in Joseph's own words what he learned that night.
This past weekend we went to Bastrop for a family reunion. It was a great time of fellowship, wonderful food, and much fun with the kiddos. I would have liked to have done more things outside, but man was it a toasty weekend. We managed to play at the park a few times and then go swimming on Saturday. Joseph, didn't seem to mind being indoors because he was able to run around and play with June and Jack the entire weekend. I also think he liked the endless snacking that he was able to do while in the main meeting hall.
This past Monday we started potty training Joseph. Monday was just flat out a long, frustrating day. After two very encouraging phone calls (Thanks Courtney and Lindsay), I was encouraged to stay positive and that it would get better. After dinner on Monday night, Joseph used the toilet for the fist time that entire day! Someone asked me today how the potty training had been going and I put it like this: Monday, Joseph went through 11 pairs of underwear, Tuesday, 6 and then Wednesday, 2. So, I guess you can say that we are making progress. If you are first time potty training mom, I think I have some helpful tips for you, and I would love to share. He is doing so good with it and I am starting recognize his pee pee dance, so as soon as I see it, we go. Then when he has to go number 2, he will usually tell me.
Christian turned 6 months two weeks ago and I can't believe how fast it is going. When we arrived back home from the reunion we decided to not set up his playpen, so I was forced to put him in his big boy crib. He has done great! This week, along with the potty training, Christian has decided to cut, not 2, but 3 top teeth. I had been telling people he was getting his one front tooth and the one next to it, but today I noticed he is getting both front teeth and the one next to it. Needless to say, he has been a little crabby during the day and doesn't like it when I put him down. A little hard when you are assisting a 2 year to the bathroom every hour or cleaning up puddles.
This summer has pretty much come to an end for us, which is sad. We will miss the swimming, Popsicles, cookouts, backyard pool, water parks, camp, vbs, and all the outdoor fun we have had this summer. I am really looking forward to next summer when Christian will be 15 months and getting around.
Okay, I guess it is still going to be hot for another 5 months around here, but school will be starting soon, so I just figure since their summer is almost over, so is ours. We are however heading to Schlitterbahn with the Church this weekend. I am looking forward to this because we will just be taking Joseph. This will be a great outing after being inside allllllll week. I am already talking to him about going and he has been asking everyday since I first told him about it on Monday.
I hope your summer was blessed with some wonderful memories.
26 1/2 inches (54%)
Another day, *Laughter* "Mama look, Christian is stuck. (His jungle gym thing had collapsed on him and he was right in the middle. This was of course caused by big brother.)
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