Thursday, July 28, 2011
Potty Training: Day 4
Today he did something so awesome. I was in the boys room trying to figure out where I wanted to hang something. Boom, Christian bolted out of the room, ran into the bathroom, I heard the step stool being drug along the floor, heard the toilet lid being lifted, so I peeked in to see what he was doing. There he was, trying to pull down his pants to go to the bathroom. Yea!
Now, if pooping wasn't part of our bodily functions, I would have to say Christian is potty trained. Oh, well, it's only the first week. I am hoping by next week, he will get better with pooing.
Side note: I meant to post this on Christian's update and some cute things he says:
And one thing I try to teach my boys is not going by my plate or by my drink and helping themselves without asking. There have been times Christian has helped himself to my plates of food or cokes and the following conversation happens:
Me: "Christian, you need to ask before you put your hands in my food (or take a drink)."
C: "Ask."
Me: "No, don't say 'ask', you need to 'ask mama for a drink.'"
C: "Ask, Mama."
Me: 'sigh'
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Potty Training: Day 3
He did go twosies one time in his underwear, but the second time he went today, I caught him trying and put him on the pot and he went.
So proud of this little guy and tomorrow I am hoping for no accidents!
Today was especially nice because Jeff took a personal day. He had a dentist appointment in the morning, so he just took the rest of the day off. It was nice for me because once he got home, I was able to go run some errands to a few of my favorite stores. Not having to worry about accidents and taking a toddler to the potty every hour was a nice break.
I am on my own again tomorrow, but Friday, Jeff is off, so we are planning something fun!
Looking forward to tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Potty Training: Day 2
I usually don't like to go anywhere the first week we are potty training, but I had already made plans to have one of Jeff's aunts watch Nathan so I could take the older two to a movie, before I had decided to potty train. Last week when I noticed we were on the last sleeve of diapers, I decided to go ahead and potty train since I didn't want to get anymore diapers. That was the only reason we went out today.
However, Christian did great. I put him in a pull-up, took him to the bathroom before we left and as soon as we got to the movies. Halfway through the movie he was saying something. I asked if he wanted popcorn, nope that wasn't it. I asked if he wanted the drink? Nope. I asked if he wanted the candy? Nope. Then I asked if he had to go potty? Yes. I was so proud. We all went to the potty together and he went. He did the same thing at the very end of the movie too. PROGRESS!!
Going #2 hasn't been that great. He has had no interest going in the toilet, so this is going to be tricky. This was one thing Joseph did great with when we trained him, so this is a new challenge for me. Christian went twice in his underwear and then after dinner, I waited about 40 minutes and just sat him on the pot for about 10 minutes. Nothing. I did the same thing about 40 minutes later. Nothing.
My hope is that tomorrow he will finally go in the toilet. But as for today it was a good day. Instead of going every 20-25 minutes, like yesterday, he was pushing 40 minutes today and both yesterday and today during nap times, stayed dry.
Yahoo for progress!
Monday, July 25, 2011
C-Bear and Day 1 of Potty Training
Thursday, July 21, 2011
31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
...Okay, I know what the Bible says about worrying, but why do I struggle with it so much? If you know me at all, you know that I am a worrier. For as long as I can remember, I have always worried about things. When I was in second grade, I would worry about not passing and making it to third grade and all my friends would make fun of me. When I was in the third grade, I would worry about not passing and making it to the fourth grade. This continued each year all the way through college graduation. On graduation day, as I was sitting in the ceremony, I was thinking, "What if they don't call my name? What if I have one more class to take? What if my $40,000 piece of paper isn't in the tube?"
I have always worried!!! Some things I haven't worried much about, were things like dating or marrying. I had enough faith to know that was God's timing and if he didn't bring a guy in my path, I was confident enough to know that He had other plans for me. Although, I did have MY plan and that was to go to Junior College, play ball (which happened), go to a major university (which happened), study education and after a year of school, meet and date my guy for two years, get engaged for the last semester and marry right out of college. Well, I studied education, but the finding "mister right", dating, engaged and being married didn't go like I planned. All that to say, I distinctly remember one night in college in my room, thinking about my college career that was about to wrap up and not having any prospects. I did begin to worry slightly about never marrying, but I just prayed, felt peace about being "single and satisfied" (a sermon I had heard my last summer at college by Tony Evans)and was ready to pursue other things. (Side note: Jeff asked me out (or I sort of asked him), depends who you talk to , my last fall semester, dated 6 months, engaged 7 months and have now been married for almost 7 years).
As I have become a mom, I have realized how much I struggle with this sin. I can worry!!!! I'm not proud of the fact that I do worry as much as I do and I feel like I am constantly battling, trying to overcome fear and worry. Sometimes I worry so much, I feel like I get depressed and it can/has paralyzed me with fear. I have always wondered if this is a woman thing? Which I remember very clearly a pastor at Breakaway saying one time, "Women, You. Can. Worry!" Is this a motherly thing? I don't know, but I hate worrying.
I worry about departing before my children while they are young and they will never know how much I LOVED them. I worry about losing a child and having to go through that turmoil. I worry about losing Jeff and having to support my boys by doing everything. I worry about the house burning down at night and how I would get all three boys out of the house (this is really bad when Jeff travels and I am home by myself).
I worry about going to "shady places" and I don't mean places that have a lot of trees, because that would be awesome. I mean places that are plagued with conspicuous characters or as Jim Carey put it in a movie, "the decay of Western Society". This really stems from being held up at gun point, but that is another post. Jeff can attest to this because anytime we go downtown for anything or a new city, he has to have directions printed out and the mileage so we do end up taking the "scenic route" as he calls it.
I honestly don't know why I am posting about one of my greatest weaknesses here, but it was something I felt like sharing. Maybe to know that there are other mother's out there who struggle with the same things and have good advice on ways to overcome it. Or maybe it's to let other mother's know that there is someone else out there who worries about the same things they do. Or maybe this is form of therapy and a step towards overcoming it.
Since God is all knowing and He knows that I struggle with worrying, maybe that's why he has put the people in my life that he has. Like my college roommate. She was always so peaceful and calm and didn't ever seem to worry about anything. Like before major exams she would come back from the library having only studied a few hours and I would ask, "that's all you're going to study?" She would generally respond, "I studied as much as I could, if I pass, great, if I fail, oh well." I, on the other hand, would study for four stinkin' days for like 4 or 5 hours a night trying to over-prepare and then test day came and I would be like, "what if I studied the wrong chapters? what if I didn't study enough?" AGGGHHH.
Then Jeff came into my life. A guy who is so peaceful and knows that things happen because, well, "that's life." I wish I had that quality about me. To be so peaceful and calm and not be consumed with worry.
As much as I pray and hope that my children don't have this quality about them (because it can, at times, keep you from exploring and trying new things), it has kept me on a straight and narrow path. For example: In high school, when I would over hear friends talking about parties, and I'm not talking about getting together, playing games, eating cake, ice cream and pizza, kind of parties. Parties, that at one time one of my friends said to me, "Linds, it's not your kind of party." I would always think, I wouldn't go anyway, because the one time I do, cops would bust us, take me in, then there goes my basketball career, I would embarrass my family, blah, blah. So, in some respects, it was good (?).
But when I do start to worry or become anxious about things or have thoughts that are consuming me and cause me to take my eyes off Christ, I feel like God reminds of this particular scripture, 27 "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Broth'a from the same Moth'a
On with the post. I love my two older boys and one of the things I love most about them is that they are brothers. Man, they are so adorable together and they are perfect for each other.
Now, I don't know if it's an age thing (they are 25months apart) that they get along so great right now or if I am just blessed, but my prayer is that they will always be this close. Jeff and I really encourage them to love one another, be kind to one another, think of one another, and share with each other. We also allow them to be 'boys.' As long as no one is in danger, bleeding, being suffocated or being attacked out of anger, it's alllllll guuuud.
Joe- Our leader; Serious; Take Charge; Lover; Daddy's boy; All about Marnie and Mimi; Loves cats and dogs; Careful ;Pleaser; Smart.
C-bear-Our follower; Goofy (in a funny way, not a weird way); Kid goes by the seat of his diaper; Fighter; Mama and Dada's boy; All about Poppy and Papaw; Hates cats and dogs; Risk taker; Not so much of a pleaser (tender hearted though); Will do ANYTHING Joseph asks him to do (which tend to be things that Joseph knows he's not allowed to do, so he gets Christian to do it.....and he will).
And this post wouldn't be complete without a story:
The other night while cooking dinner, I hear their door shut (never a good thing). As I am cooking, I keep hearing these thuds and giggles coming from the room. After hearing this for about five minutes, I decide to make my way into the room. I crack the door quiet enough so they don't hear me. There they are, throwing their very heavy and hard Shamu's at their ceiling fan that is on. C's never reached the fan, of course, but could have at any time nailed Joe in the face. Joseph, however, was hitting the fan and could have hit a lightbulb that would have shattered on the two little hooligans that were standing directly underneath.
Oh, the joy of boys.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
8 Months
-I hate this phrase, but he is totally a Mama's boy. He prefers me over everyone!
-He likes to be held a lot!
-Sleeping through the night since 2 months
-He takes 2-3 naps a day, each lasting around 1 1/2 -2 hrs.
-Nursing 4x's/day
-Really loves watching Joe and C
-He is a screamer!
-I wouldn't say he's the unhappiest of the three, but he defiantly lets you know when he doesn't like something.
-He grunts and cries when the older two take things away from him.
-Just this week, he started doing a "push up." Now, it's just getting his knees under him and he will be off.
-Loves his puffs.
-He has come so close to saying, "mama." (the older two said "dada" first, so this is epic!)
-Loves being outside.
-Pretty decent car baby. He only protest if we put him in his seat after a nap. He does great if he is sleepy or we go somewhere during nap time.
-Loves bath time.
Love, love, love this little guy!